New Swim Goggles Sure to Make A Splash With Cochlear Implant Users
By Eric Sherman
This wide, conforming, band nicely covers cochlear implant headpieces and holds them in place.
My son wears Advanced Bionic Neptune processors, a Ci Wear shirt, and goggles when swimming. The shirt does an excellent job of securing and protecting the expensive processors and sound cords, but often we find our son continuously having to re-attach his headpieces when playing in the water. We have to signal over and over to put his headpieces back on. I can’t imagine how annoying this is to him.
My son took a pair of Splash Swim Goggles for a test and they worked great! He jumped off the diving board, swam and splashed around in the water and his headpieces stayed on. I decided to try the goggles myself and they worked like any other traditional pair. They have a nice fit, didn’t pull my hair, and the lenses didn’t fog up.
What was really exciting about these new goggles was watching how our son effortlessly played in the water without having to re-attach his headpieces.
If you or your child is looking for a comfortable wearing option that secures cochlear implant processors and keeps your headpieces on while in the water, Ci Wear and Splash Swim Goggles is your winning combination.
Diving Board Test
#Ciwear #cochlearimplants, #Swimming #SplashSwimGoggles
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Ci Wear is a patented shirt designed to secure and help protect cochlear implant (CI) processors and other mobile listening devices. Use as a rash guard, swim shirt or an exercise apparel. Ideal aqua accessory for waterproof cochlear implant sound processors.
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